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The subje t of this paper is to present a theory for the dynami radiation for e produ ed by dual-frequen y ultrasound beams in lossless and non-dispersive uids. A formula for the dynami radiation for e exerted on a three-dimensional obje t by a dual-frequen y beam is obtained stemming from the uid dynami s equations. Dependen e of the dynami radiation for e to nonlinear e e ts of the medium is analyzed. The developed theory is applied to al ulate the dynami radiation for e exerted on solid elasti (brass and stainless steel) spheres by a low-amplitude dual-frequen y plane wave. The dynami radiation for e is al ulated by solving the dual-frequen y plane wave s attering problem for solid elasti spheres. Results show that the dynami radiation for e on the analized spheres presents u tuations similar to those present in the stati radiation for e. Furthermore, analysis of the stati and the dynami radiation for es on the stainless steel sphere shows that they have approximately the same magnitude.